Sonam Kapoor walked down the red carpet at Cannes recently, looking quite elegant yet traditional thanks to her beautiful nose ring. Other celebs that have made the nose ring quite popular include Vidya Balan, Madhuri Dixit, Celina Jaitley, Aishwarya Rai and many other top Bollywood A-listers.
In the past, in certain cultures, the bridal ensemble was incomplete without the nose ring (called the ‘nath’). Modern brides often make do without this jewellery piece, but thanks to Bollywood, the interest in this jewellery piece is being rekindled.
Today there is a wide range of choice available in nose rings for the modern brides. You can choose from the simple, single stones/studs to large elaborate designs which sometimes run across the cheek over the ear and may also be attached to the earring. Brides can even buy complete sets of Kundan studded nose rings, necklace, bangles, maang tikkas and earrings for matching with their wedding attire.
Presented below are a few nose ring designs that we love. Go ahead; choose one for your D-Day!
The Maharashtrian nose ring or the ‘nath’ is an important part of the bridal attire.
Simple nose ring designs- heart and spiral nose rings (image:
Some nose ring designs will require you to have your nose pierced, still others come in the ‘clamp on’ variety which can be simply pushed on or held together on either side of the nostril.
Manvin is one of our featured real brides – she displays a fabulous nose ring which she had had specially designed for her D-Day. (Image courtesy
Will you be wearing a nose ring on your wedding day? Send in your pictures to us at…
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