10 Signs He Is Going To Propose Marriage Soon

We’ve all been there. ‘Are we just friends?’ ‘What if he is never going to propose like I imagined?’ ‘Are his parents looking for another bride?’ ‘ I wish I could get inside his head and see what he’s thinking for myself.’ One of the worst stressful periods that any girl can go through in life is that anxiety that is attached to a life changing moment- will he propose marriage or not. We’re here to help you decode those hidden glances, sly looks and any other confusing thoughts you may have right now. Here are the top – signs that he is going to propose to you, as certified by love experts:

1. He starts acting possessive

He never had a problem with you gushing about your favourite actor or even talking non-stop about other guys in your life- like a good pal, a colleague or even a mentor. But, when he starts getting possessive about you and changes the topic mid-way, it’s only because he wants to be the only guy on your mind. Every time.

2. He gets secretive

He doesn’t want you asking too many questions about why he was late for the date or what he’s doing on his weekend when he isn’t with you. Either he’ll just avoid those questions altogether or give you answers that don’t sound right. It could be because he’s planning a surprise proposal!


Image courtesy Wedding Archives

3. He keeps glancing at your hand

Most guys say that the reason why they do this is to get an idea about the ring size so that nothing goes wrong when the question is actually popped. Imagine being proposed with a loose ring that slips off the minute it’s put on. How embarrassing that would be!

4. He gets interested in jewellery

Guys who are about to propose suddenly get interested in jewellery. He may actually make a note of the kind of ring you like or get your bestie to talk to you about your taste in jewellery. Either way, he wants as much information about your dream engagement ring before he goes ahead and buys one.

5. He makes plans

He talks about going on a trip alone together, just the two of you. And he keeps reminding you about the ‘date’ that you have with him at least a few times before the actual day. He’s never shown this kind of enthusiasm or persuasion before! Maybe it’s because he wants to propose to you at a special spot.


Image courtesy WedRed

6. He gets interested in fitness

He has started to take better care of himself and actually asks your opinion on how he’s looking. It could be attempts at getting fitter, a change in hairstyle or a new dressing style. Whatever it may be, he wants to be sure that you find him attractive and it is to-be-Mrs approved!

7. He asks subtle questions

He may ask you to tell him about your dream proposal when you both are watching a movie together or just lounging around on the couch. There’s a good chance that he will drop the question so subtly that you won’t even realise that you’ve just spilled the beans.

8. He might even ignore you!

He may ignore you for a few days or weeks. Sure he will take your call, but he won’t make any plans to hang out together like he usually does. If you’re sure that you are still the queen in his life, then one reason why he is doing this could be because he wants to propose to you when you are least expecting it.


Image courtesy Dream in Focus

9. He introduces you to his family/friends

A guy who is about to propose will proudly introduce his girlfriend to the people in his life who matter the most- that includes his family and close circle of friends. So, if his mom takes a liking to you and he doesn’t dismiss it off as a temporary thing, then he is definitely thinking about you for the long haul.

10. He gets talking about the future-a lot

He actually asks you about your future plans and tries convincing you every now and then that you two are ‘made for each other’. That’s his way of saying that you both have a sure place in each other’s lives.

Main Image courtesy Dream in Focus