11 Easy Tips to Look Your Best On Your Wedding Day!
Wedding! That means lots of work to do, wedding planning, inviting guests, and contacting vendors and so on. All this endless planning can cause stress, if you don’t care of your health. Often, the bride and groom don’t get much time for themselves as they are busy with shopping and finishing wedding-related activities. However, it is important to have some kind of plan in place for fitness so that one can look charming and beautiful on their Big Day. If you are clueless about how to get in shape for the wedding, these 11 tips are sure to give results.
Join a Yoga class
- Yoga is one of the best ways to keep you fit and energetic all day long.
- Start with easy asanas and deep breathing or pranayam. Suryanamaskars are a surefire way of making your body flexible and can also give a natural glow to your skin.
- Naturally, if you have any kind of physical ailment, it is best to seek expert advice before doing these yoga poses.
Image: ND Photography
Dance your way to good health
- Dance keeps you fit and shapes your body so that you do not need any other effort to get in shape.
- You can also practice for your Sangeet and set up a show to wow your guests!
- Why not join a dance class with your better half to be? It is great way to spend quality time with each other!
Eat healthy
- Balanced diet along with exercise is a must for getting in shape.
- Plan your diet with a nutritionist if required.
- Avoid excess intake of tea and coffee, because both are not good for health. If needed, opt for lemon tea or green tea instead of regular tea or coffee.
Avoid/manage stress
- Stress or tension is enemy of good health; so, in order to have sound health you must avoid both.
- As you know you cannot avoid stress while planning for your big day, you can certainly manage it.
- Be relaxed and share the work and planning with family and friends.
- Drink more water- at least 3-4 liters in a day, it detoxifies the body and helps you lose weight in the process.
Image by Dadiwala Production
Don’t keep yourself hungry:
- In order to get in shape before wedding, you shouldn’t keep yourself hungry. Starvation is not the solution to get in shape.
- Also, many brides skip meals when they are caught up in wedding planning. It doesn’t matter how busy you are-take your meals on time.
Try to avoid alcohol or limit it
- Both of you should quit alcohol before the wedding, but if it is not entirely possible, at least limit the intake.
- Alcohol leads to belly fat along with a host of other problems.
Don’t skip breakfast:
- Breakfast plays an important role in diet. It provides energy which allows you to work whole day, and if you skip this important meal it can lead to unhealthy binge-eating and, consequently, weight gain.
- Include oats, daliya, cereals, fresh fruit smoothies and yogurt in your breakfast.
Take care of your posture
- Believe it or not, your body posture plays an important in looking perfect in those wedding pics.
- So check your body posture from time to time and if you don’t have perfect posture then take conscious steps to correct it.
Image Madhurang Studio
Get 8 hours of sound sleep to relax body and mind
- When you have to get in shape don’t forget to get sound sleep, because that can go a long way in keeping you energetic and fresh.
- Light exercise or brisk walk daily will ensure that you get sleep.
Select perfect dress for wedding:
- Select the best dress according to your body shape.
- Get it customized and fitted so that it flatters your body and enhances your figure
Get help from experts
- Choose a good makeup artist who can address your flaws and help you look your very best.
- Apply face pack or get a good facial before the big day to address issues like pimples, blemishes etc.
We are sure these tips will help you get in shape and look your best. You can also hire a personal trainer who can help you plan your schedule.
Author Bio: This article was contributed by Prashant Verma, a blogger and wedding consultant. You can read more of his articles on Shaadidukaan-an online wedding market.
Main image: Classy Captures