Tips For Planning A Fusion Wedding-Part 1

With so many awesome wedding trends doing the rounds these days, it’s no wonder that fusion weddings are making the headlines every now and then. A fusion wedding does not follow just one trend or culture and is usually the assimilation or ‘fusion’ of two or more cultures instead. They can be so much fun and if the bride and bridegroom come from completely different cultures or religions, a fusion wedding that has all the right ingredients can go a long way in helping the two families bond better. Most importantly, it can also help the respective families gain a better deeper understanding about the traditions, culture and customs that are considered sacred by both the bride and the bridegroom’s family.


So, if you’re planning a fusion wedding (of course you can have one even if your partner and you come from the same place!), get prepared to invest time in planning the ceremonies and parties ahead of D-day so that everything goes just as it should. In our three part article, we’ll take a look at some important points to keep in mind during the fusion wedding planning process:


Discussion is Important– Everyone has a different idea about the perfect wedding and before you actually finalise any decision, having a talk with your partner is important. You’ll find that just sharing ideas across the table can help in eliminating unnecessary expenses later. In India, weddings are never between just the bride and the groom because a wedding itself is always a family affair. It’s a good idea to have an open talk with both sets of parents so that you can understand their concerns firsthand. There could be a few ceremonies or rituals that are an absolute must on D-day which you may not be aware of. Besides, once a few important points have been finalised, it makes kick-starting the actual wedding planning that much easier.


Avoid a Culture Clash– Couples who come from different cultural backgrounds may want to celebrate a new union in the traditional way that they are most familiar with. If you can afford to, it is best to have two separate wedding ceremonies which are a tribute to both your partner’s and your culture. On the other hand, if doing so doesn’t seem feasible to you and your partner, then it is best to go for a registered marriage or for a ceremony which blends a few customs from both sides. Fusing certain elements from both religions or cultures may take some planning but is guaranteed to keep everybody happy. Avoid focusing on one culture while ignoring the other as it could give rise to resentment and irritation among family members.

Watch out for more tips on fusion weddings in the second part of our article.