4 Tips On How To Include Pets In Your Wedding

We honestly can’t blame pet lovers all over the world, for wanting to make sure that their furry friends are a part of the wedding day too. After all, when you have a pet that’s as good as your best friend and who you spend a lot of time with, it’s not an unreasonable request to make because aren’t weddings supposed to be about having the people (4 legged friends included) you love most with you as you say your vows?

So, if you’ve always dreamt of having your canine or non-canine friend with you on your auspicious day, here are a few pointers you may want to consider:


Image courtesy Bridal Guide

What’s your pet’s personality

You really need to stand in the shoes of your pet and think this one out. Will your pet actually enjoy being a part of the celebration or is it likely that he/she may get frightened or even hyper at the sight of so many people gathered together at one place? Even if you pet is a very friendly one, remember that you will not be able to take care of him personally or even hold his leash on your wedding day. So unless there is another member in your family who does not mind doing some pet babysitting on your special day, it’s best to reconsider this.


Image courtesy Green Wedding Shoes

Your pet’s safety first

Hunt around the Internet and you’ll be flooded with adorable pictures of pooches dressed up in tuxes, of cats wearing headbands and so on. But just because another couple got a few adorable pictures, it doesn’t mean that you should go to any lengths to get a few too. Your pet needs to be comfortable with whatever you are planning to make him or her wear. We suggest going with simpler accessory options such as a bowtie or a flower garland which can be removed easily if your pet shows any signs of discomfort.


Image courtesy Buzzfeed

Let your photographer know

You have to make sure that your photographer is aware that your pet or pets will also be around on the wedding day. You really don’t want to miss out on the opportunity of getting some awesome candid clicks which are one of a kind. If there are certain shots that you want to take, you need to discuss with your photographer about whether these should be clicked at the ceremony itself or in a separate photo shoot later. Ask your photographer for fun pet photo ideas!


Image courtesy Jenni Farley

Keep your pet comfy

Your pet has a certain routine every day and even if he gets his own special invitation to your wedding, try to ensure that there are minimal changes to the routine. For example, he may need to take a nap at a certain hour or eat snacks between meals. Do let the person taking care of your pet during the ceremony know this so that your pet stays comfortable at all times. If you know that your pet has certain peeves like a fear of firecrackers, avoid taking him or her outdoors at that time.

Main image courtesy That Bridal Blush