5 Important Tips For Baby Planning Every Newlywed Needs To Know

If you and your spouse have completed one year of marriage, there’s a good possibility that you will be besieged with questions on when you both plan on having a baby. Yes, it’s quite likely that you will be asked this many times by your ‘friendly neighbourhood aunties’, a relative or even by anxious parents. We say, don’t let the stress of ‘should I have a baby’ or ‘should I wait for some more time’, get to you. Here are a few tips on baby planning with your spouse:

Are you mentally Ready?

Irrespective of who asks you whether you are on the family way or not, it’s true that you and your spouse alone are responsible for the upbringing of the new family addition. You may have a maid or your parents to help out, but the bulk responsibility most definitely falls on yours and your spouse’s shoulders. So, if you don’t feel ready to bring up a baby, don’t give in to any kind of emotional blackmail. Stay strong and talk to your partner honestly about how you feel.


Image courtesy Confetti Films

Get Your Finances Ready

If you talk to your friends circle, you’ll find that raising a child is anything but low cost these days. As the standard of living raises, so does the expense. Giving your child a great education along with the facilities that are available for toddlers these days, requires a sound financial backing. It’s a good idea to take two to three years’ time to build a nest egg for the future, after marriage. Once your baby comes, you won’t have to feel like you weren’t prepared to take on the additional expenses.


Image courtesy Chocolate Box Photography

Talk to Your Boss

You may be thinking, what does your boss have to do with baby planning, but here’s the thing- women with careers would be in a much better position to plan for motherhood when they know what plans the firm they work for, has in mind for them. If you are up for a promotion or for a change in role, it makes sense to baby plan keeping that in mind. Talk to the HR department and find out about the company policies in terms of maternity leave, health insurance and work-from-home options.

Get Your Support System Ready

Indira Nooyi once said that ‘No woman can have it all unless she has a strong support system’ and we wholeheartedly agree. There is no shame in asking your parents or in-laws for help and it does take time to find the right maid or nanny who can fit into your family perfectly. Once your support system is in order, you’ll find it that much easier and less stressful to go ahead with baby planning. And yes, you can pay better attention to yourself too.


Image courtesy Chocolate Box Photography

Meet Your Doctor

It’s best to rule out any possible health conditions you may have before you baby plan. For instance, women who are obese may find it harder to conceive and if you have high sugar levels, it would make sense medically to address such an issue before baby planning. We suggest opting for a complete physical check-up and doing blood tests as suggested by your doctor to rule out any possible future complications.

Baby planning takes two and you would do well to discuss any plans or concerns you may have with your spouse. But remember- parenting is a dual process and you have a whole 9 months to prepare for the role of motherhood.

Main image courtesy Confetti Films