5 Weight Loss Tools & Wedding Diet Tips To Help Get You On Track

The ring, the cake and the dress – three of the most important things future brides care about prior to their big day. All brides want to look fabulous on their wedding day, and for that to happen they must include one more important thing on their to-do list: the meal plan. The healthier you will eat at least 30 days before the wedding the greater you will look. Getting in shape is just as important as the ceremony; everything has to go by the book.

But what if your current weight loss strategies won’t work? You can’t afford to adopt a diet that is prone to failure. Recent research has shown that people who get married gain more weight than singles over the years.  Saying “I do” from the bottom of your heart doesn’t mean you have to sign up for a lifetime of extra pounds.

  1. Settle on realistic goals

Getting hitched is a big thing, just like successful weight loss. It’s perfectly normal for future brides to want to look amazing, and doing everything they can to make that happen will make a huge difference between a healthy and a heavy lifestyle. Turning to drastic measures such as pills or fad diets for a quick 5-pound fix before the wedding is not only dangerous but also useless.

The yo-yo effect will be triggered, which means those lost pounds (and maybe more) will go back on your hips as soon as you get back to your regular lifestyle. Have realistic goals and plan ahead. Exercise, join a health club, or get a personal trainer to help you lose weight the healthy way, and thus prepare your body for the wedding.

  1. Work out (with a trainer)

It’s easy to quit when you work out alone. But when you do it with a trainer, you are more motivated to keep going. Sign up for a “bridal boot camp” with at least 4 months before the wedding. This sort of program involves strength training and balance cardio for 3-4 days a week. It is important to start with a few months in advance because in the beginning of a complete workout routine you may experience weight gain. This is because the body start building lean muscle mass, so there’s nothing to be worried about. By the time of your wedding you’ll look toned and thin.

  1. Focus on raw foods

Processed foods in general are not good for the health. They contain all kinds of chemicals, added sugars and salt, not to mention that they lack nutrients and are a menace to your skin and hair. Unprocessed foods on the other hand, are ideal when you’re trying to lose weight. Fruits and vegetables have to be included on your daily menu. Apart from easing your digestion, these contain lots of vitamins and minerals meant to make you feel great, as well as rejuvenate your skin and hair.

pre wedding weight loss tips and advice

  1. Portion control

Never get up full from the table – this is one of most common rules of losing weight. It’s very important to control the amount of food you ingest on a daily basis, especially when including meats and other foods high in calories or protein. Eating only fruits and vegetables is certainly not advised since the body uses fat for fuel. Chicken breast, salmon, tuna, eggs, cheese are highly recommended for non vegetarians. A great weight loss strategy is to eat less food more often. Adhere to a 5-meal regimen in smaller portions and your body won’t have time to feel hungry.

  1. Hydrate your body

We all know that we should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. However, sometimes we can’t achieve this goal. Also, not everyone likes to drink water. So how do we stay hydrated then? Include fruits with high contents of water into your diet, such as watermelon for example; or try fizzy water instead. For some added flavor, include slices of fruit into your water glass to make it seem more delicious and easy to drink.

Losing weight just in time for the wedding can be a challenge. However, if you make an advanced plan and you stick to it you will look amazing on your big day. As a last resort women can always consider dietary supplements to speed up their metabolism and help them shed weight faster. Glucosamine supplements for example, have proven to render amazing results. Make sure to consult with a nutritionist before considering supplementation though.

Guest Bio: This post was contributed by Edward Francis. You can read his other health related posts on our site here and here.

Images: Radha Photos