6 Cute Brother Of The Bride Poses To Click

There’s something so unique about a brother sister relationship that’s so hard to put into words. It’s likely that you both fought non-stop as kids, started having some kind of affection for each other as you grow older but now that your wedding day is so near, the thought of not seeing your brother as much as you would like to does get to you.

And that’s why this article is for all the brides who have adoring older or younger brothers who have been by their side all through the wedding preparations. Here are our ideas for 4 adorable brother of the bride photos to ask your photographer to click on your wedding day:

escorting the sis to the mandap

So what if you don’t have a band of bridesmaids in pink on your wedding day? When your brother and his friends are around, your little troop of groomsmen are ready to go.

fun wedding photo poses for brother of the bride

Image: Xyra’s elements

Who doesn’t love a wedding toast that’s said from the heart? You can bet that your brother will have a naughty tale or two to tell the gathering. That’s why the embarrassed smile on your face and the grin on his is worth capturing.


Photo courtesy Camera Crew

Now that ‘jiju’ has officially entered the family, don’t be surprised to find your brother switching sides when it comes to games. And when there’s so much of masti happening around, isn’t it worth a click?

brother poses to include in your wedding album

Image: via Aniket Kanade

top brother of the bride poses

He may or may not say it loud, but you can bet that when he sees his sister officially wed, your sibling will wipe away a tear or two.

Know of any other poses worth featuring in your album? Let us know in comments below!