10 Beauty Hacks Every Bride Should Know
For most women, the wedding day is undoubtedly the biggest and most important day of their lives. As one will have several things to worry about then, the last thing one should have on the mind is one’s bridal makeup. It’s Your wedding day after all-so you must look the best. No matter how relaxed you feel, the night before your wedding will probably see you counting sheep -i.e. if you do not have any pre-wedding partying going on. So looking well rested and not ending up with puffy eyes and dark circles is a challenge for many a bride-to-be. Today, we are presenting some beauty hacks to ensure a beautiful and glowing you…
Top 10 Bridal Beauty Hacks for You
1. Last minute facial – A Strict No!
No matter what, never save facial treatments for the last minute. Any facial requires at least 2-3 days to settle and make your skin look fresh and radiant. In most cases, the skin looks irritated and red right after a facial. Moreover, it advisable to not use water or any other cosmetic products on the skin within 24 hours of a facial treatment. So, considering Haldi, Mehendi, Sangeet etc, you must get your facial done 2-3 days prior to these events.
2. De-puff with spoon
It will definitely take some time and effort to look fresh and glowing on the Big day. Puffed-up-eyes are a strict no-no as they show up in wedding pics. But worry not-there is a trick to solve this: simply take 2 spoons and put them in the freezer. After 20 to 25 minutes of chilling, lightly press them on your closed eyes. This will de-puff your eyes right away.
Image Courtesy: Photography by Sushma
3. Create a winged eye with spoon
Who knew that spoons could be so useful and versatile when it comes to bridal beauty hacks? Here’s another apparently-difficult task that you can easily manage on your own. In fact, no matter how proficient you are in drawing the perfect eyeliner, creating winged eyes is a different ball game altogether. This simple trick would make it happen in a minute. Just place the handle of a spoon to draw the lower line of the wing and the curved side to create the upper line. Fill the space in between and your winged eyes are done.
4. For a long-lasting lipstick
This can be one big headache for many. At the same time, neither can you manage to apply lipstick every few hours, nor do you want to get photographed with pale lips. Solution: After applying the lipstick, place a tissue over it and then brush some powder over the lips area. Repeat it once again and your lips are all set to rock the wedding. You can also go for 12 hour lipsticks available here-most are pretty reliable. Also have a makeup artist on standby for touch-ups.
5. Lipstick as a concealer
Do you know that the quintessential red lipstick you bought for your wedding day can be used as a quick concealer too? Better if yours has an orange hue. Apply a dab of this with a brush around the eyes and then apply the concealer. You will be amazed to see the outcome of this little trick.
Image Courtesy: Photography by Sushma
6. Create your own perfect shade
If the lipstick you bought exclusively for your wedding attire now looks too bright or gaudy or just not what you thought then here’s a quick solution to fix it. If the colour is bright orange or any shade of orange then use a gloss or a nude shade over it to make it look paler and closer to soft peachy shade. If it’s red, then change the technique of applying it. Instead of applying it the regular way, take a small amount of lipstick on the tip of the index finger and press down, lift up and press down again. It will help create a beautiful shade of red; one that is not too bright, not too shiny.
7. Cotton bud for beautiful lashes
This is one of those beauty hacks which you are going to use for the rest of your life. All you need is your regular translucent powder and a cotton bud. Apply mascara on your lashes. Now, dip the bud in the powder and run it over the lashes. Next apply another coat of mascara and have beautiful, voluminous eye lashes to flutter.
8. Go easy on shimmer
It’s your wedding and no wonder you will have to pose for endless photo sessions. Hence, try to be cautious with the use of shimmer. If possible, talk to your makeup artist in advance to not use lots of shimmer on your face. Instead of highlighting your best features with a shimmer, opt for some non-shimmer bronzer to create a natural, dewy look. Loose shimmer powders also do a pretty good job in keeping the makeup natural and fresh.
Image Courtesy: Camera Crew
9. Don’t starve
Perhaps this is one thing that often makes brides look exhausted, drained out and dull. If possible, give tradition a miss and ensure having some breakfast or a light snack It can be fruit juice, some nuts or as big a bite as your body demands. If you are naturally glowing already, you won’t need any beauty hacks at all!
10. Use Ice on the face after bath
Start doing this for at least a week before the wedding. Take a couple of ice cubes in a paper towel and rub in on your face for a minute or two. This will act as a natural primer to absorb the excess oil from your face. Not only that, it will also reduce facial swelling, open clogged pores and reduce pore size.
So go on and try these simple beauty hacks right before your wedding and surprise everyone with naturally glowing skin on the big day.
Featured Image Courtesy: Confetti Films