DIY Wedding Money Saver Tips
The whole idea of having a DIY wedding in the first place is to trim expenses whenever and wherever possible. So, if you are planning your own special DIY wedding, we hope that all our articles in the ‘Be Your Own Wedding Planner’ series have inspired you to take the DIY plunge! That’s why we are certain you’ll love our DIY wedding money saver ideas too:
Draw up lists. If you’re a person who loves staying organised, then you’ll find it that much easier to take decisions as you update your lists on a daily or weekly basis. For girls who aren’t really into working out the finer details, we suggest that you start in a small way. You could maintain a separate whiteboard for listing phone numbers or addresses of vendors or you could even keep a small notebook exclusively for jotting down any useful information.
Think long and hard about the number of guests you would really like to invite to your wedding. This is often a hard call to make, especially because Indian traditions demand that weddings should be elaborate affairs which also often include distant relatives and acquaintances. Although, many modern day couples opt for a more private wedding, a DIY wedding often centres around a tight condensed guest list. Alternatively, if you plan to have more than one pre-wedding ceremony, you could split your guest list accordingly so that everybody gets to join in the celebration.
How many bridesmaids do you really need? It’s not unusual for Christian brides in particular to have a minimum of five bridesmaids or more at the wedding, but considering that you would be also buying their outfits and taking care of their makeup, going with 2 – 3 bridesmaids instead is a great money saving option as well. But, do handle this matter with your girlfriends and cousins sensitively.
You could save a lot on wedding invitations by either making your own or by emailing your invitations instead. Avoid going for embossed cards and opt for any one of these other fantastic DIY wedding alternatives that we highlighted in our article here.
More DIY wedding money saver tips coming your way next week too!
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