Expert Tips: How To Take Care of Your Health During Wedding Planning?

Experts from Dr. Shikha’s NutriHealth System weigh in on ways to take care of your health when planning your big fat Indian wedding.

Everyone loves shopping but no more than a woman who is about to get married. After all; the wedding day is probably the most important day every girl has dreamed of throughout her entire life. But guess what is most important in that? Taking into account a woman’s perspective, the obvious answer is the wedding dresses and gowns she will wear. These are given utmost attention during the hustle and bustle of wedding preparation but, often times, one’s health takes a backseat in the process. Wedding and shopping have a strong and unbreakable bond and dresses do make us look good on the outside, but what’s more important is to eat healthy and stay fit from inside.

Many brides get so busy visiting different places that they often end up skipping meals, eating out, eating late or snacking on fried foods and unhealthy snacks. All these things can be avoided by following 8 simple and easy tips given below:

1. Do not skip breakfast ever

Always in a hurry and planning on skipping breakfast? Reconsider your decision because it is the most important meal of the day and running low on nutrients can lead to lethargy and affect your brain’s decision making power.

2. Carry fruits with you while shopping

expert health tips for brides when wedding shopping

No time for evening tea or snack? Compensate it with fruits and nuts rather than opting for cookies, samosas etc. Whenever you feel like munching something, grab an apple or banana or any fruit of your choice.

3. Roasted snacks are good and handy

Handful of almonds, peanuts and walnuts are easy to keep handy at all times and especially when you go lehenga shopping. These will give you protein and other essential nutrients.

4. Opt for water instead of colas and aerated drinks

expert health tips for brides when wedding shopping

Make sure you stay well-hydrated but do avoid colas and fizzy drinks as they add empty calories to your diet. You can also go for healthy drinks like coconut water or freshly made fruit juices without added sugar. Never forget to carry a bottle of water with you for when you shop.

5. Choose a healthy option from the menu

You may end up skipping meals if you are worried about eating out and weight gain but shopping and eating out is never a problem if you know what to order from the list of dishes in the menu. Choose from the list of vegetable salads rather than creamy and heavy dishes or at least have a bowl full of salad first to avoid eating a lot in the main course. Wraps and rolls filled with veggies are a good option as they are convenient and handy.

6. Avoid foods which come in packets and boxes

These processed foods do not bring satiety and actually lead you to gaining empty calories, excess sodium and sugar as well.

7. Stay away from sugary bars

expert health tips for brides when wedding shopping

Avoid all those chocolaty sugary bars despite ‘low calorie claims’ they advertise on their labels. These are only to attract gullible customers and you end up getting extra calories unknowingly. If possible, make your own protein bars at home using nuts, seeds, oats, muesli etc.

8. Make dinner the lightest meal of your busy day

Eat dinner as early as possible and also make it the lightest meal of the day so that your body gets time to digest the food.


To summarize the above: if you wish to snack, always choose fresh/dried fruits or roasted nuts and seeds. Remember that breakfast is very important as it gives you a boost of energy. Dinner should ideally be the lightest meal of the day. While eating in a restaurant, make wise choices and fill up on salads where possible. These are some of the most important tips to remember while wedding planning without compromising on your health.

Main image: Dreamshot