Honeymoons Vs Minimoons – What to Choose and Why
As another wedding season is just around the corner, search for exotic honeymoon destinations online is again on a rise. But, now, it’s not only about choosing a honeymoon destination. It’s also about choosing between honeymoons and minimoons. Yes, you heard that right: Minimoon, is the shorter version of honeymoon and is hugely popular among couples who are not much eager to spend fortune on a lavish, week/month-long honeymoons. Blame it on the job or the pocket, but taking a 15 or 30 day-holiday right after your wedding is a big deal for many. As a result, couples are leaning toward minimoons which do not usually require more than 3-4 days of a packed schedule. This naturally gives couples a much-need break, albeit a short one, right after their wedding.
Naturally, there is a question here: Which one should couples go in for? Here is a logical explanation of Honeymoons Vs. Minimoons to help you make a choice.
Honeymoon: Advantages
1. What can be more beautiful than spending one month together away from the crowd and life? Apart from all the physical aspects, you will get the chance to explore each other in every sense.
2. You will get enough time to know each other well, specially, if it’s an arranged marriage. That’s important before stepping towards a new life.
3. You will learn to accept each other as an integral part of life. No family or friends are involved, hence, clear communication will gradually build up.
4. 15-20 days are more than enough to discuss a future together.
Honeymoon: Drawbacks
1. 15-20 days vacation in an exotic land can be a bit taxing for the pocket. That is especially the case when you have just spent a fortune on the wedding!
2. Whether you are a business person or a salaried employee or an IT executive, being away from your job for a month is not an easy thing to do.
3. Maybe, you might need to carry your work with you. The last thing your spouse will expect from you is you checking your laptop, mobile or tablet every now and then.
4. If your itinerary is not that full-of-exciting-places-and-activities, you two may soon end up feeling bored. Seclusion will be hard to bear.
5. You have to plan in advance to book the flight tickets, get the reservations done and so on.
6. Packing luggage for a month or even 2-week long vacation sounds a bit intimidating, no?
Minimoon: Advantages
1. The wedding is over. You pack your bag and leave for a short trip the next day. No reservations, no planning. Enjoy the journey and go without expectations.
2. Don’t want to travel miles to reach your minimoon destination? No worries. You can check in a nearby hotel/resort and spend quality time together.
3. You don need to spend hours brainstorming about choosing the right destination. It can be anything, but it will be heaven. Because you two will be together.
4. Before your wallet can feel it, you will be back from your minimoon. It’s that economical, really!
5. You don’t have to switch off your mobile to avoid calls from the boss. He will be more than happy to grant you a 4 days leave.
Minimoon: Drawbacks
1. A weekend trip is just not enough for a newly-married couple.
2. You will crave some more moments of togetherness before getting back to the everyday nitty-gritty called Life.
As you are reading this, we request you to share this list with your partner, so you can discuss the whole plan later. Think about you and your spouse’s availability, monetary factors, likes/dislikes etc and carefully choose between honeymoon and minimoon.
Photography Courtesy:
Ashok Ahuja Photography
Ninad Photography