How to Lose That Extra Fat before your Wedding Day

Your wedding day will probably be one of the biggest and most important days of your life.  You have probably spent months or even years planning it. It is an expensive occasion because you want everything to be perfect, including your own figure. Most brides to be go through some sort of pre-wedding diet plan. After all, all eyes will be on you and you want to look your best. Here we tell you how to lose that extra fat before the big day….

Deal with stress first

The stress of getting married can actually assist you in losing weight! There are many things which will cause you to become stressed whilst you plan your dream day. When the body is under stress your reactions to everyday items can make a huge difference to your weight gain or loss:

  • Sleep is essential, not getting enough has been shown to increase your chances of becoming overweight. No matter how hectic your schedule find the time to get a good night’s sleep; ideally eight hours.
  • Many brides buy a dress that is too small for them in the belief that this will help them become motivated to lose weight. Setting any goal can help but it is important not to obsess about the weight loss. Instead you should focus on keeping to a regular fitness pattern; the weight loss will follow by itself.
  • The list of things to do prior to your wedding can often appear to be endless and this can be used to your advantage. Being constantly on the go and running errands means your body is burning more calories and this will improve your chances of weight loss.
  • As previously mentioned all eyes are on you on your big day. The best way to use this to your advantage is to let people know you are intending to lose weight. Their enquiries along the way and expectations on the big day will make you reach your target.
  • It can be easy not to eat properly when you are trying to ensure all the little details are sorted out properly. This can lead to a reliance on fast food which is not going to help any weight loss program. Instead, make sure you have healthy snacks with you at all times and try to eat balanced meals whenever you can.
  • Working out is often seen as essential to weight loss (as well as turning to supplements such as vegetarian EPA/DHA) but this can be hard to fit into your busy, pre-wedding schedule. Instead of giving up on the gym gat yourself an exercise partner, ideally your husband to be and motivate each other to go.

Meeting Places Should Serve Healthy Food

It is usual to need to meet an assortment of people prior to your wedding to arrange details.  Always arrange to meet in a place which serves healthy snacks and meals. This will ensure you are eating properly and healthily and will help with weight loss.

Limit Alcohol Intake

In the build up to your wedding there will be many opportunities to consume alcohol and celebrate your upcoming nuptials. However, you need to make an effort to avoid drinking alcohol or keeping it to a minimum. You need to be in control of your mind if you are making important decisions and alcohol has a surprising amount of calories.

Guest Bio:Edward Francis is interested in writing about health and fitness issues. He has a deep knowledge about this field. He also regularly contributes his articles to many high PR health and fitness sites.