How to Plan An Adults Only Wedding-Part 2

Imagine this scenario actually taking place. The bride and groom are taking their saath pheras and emotions are running high. Just as you wipe a teardrop away and immerse yourself once more in the poignancy of the moment, a baby begins to cry. What starts as a whimper eventually becomes a wail and then becomes even louder bawling. All attention now shifts to the baby and the mother who is desperately trying to calm her baby down. That’s when the thought occurs to you- what would a wedding without babies and children be like? We think it could be quite awesome actually!

Adult only weddings have been around for quite some time in countries like America and Europe, but the trend is taking baby steps only just about now in India. Why so, you may ask. Well, it’s not that people wouldn’t actually mind going to an adults only wedding but Indian society is by and large one that places utmost importance on families. Then of course, there is always the fear that even if the children aren’t allowed to come then the women of the family may refrain from doing so too. However, if you would like to plan a wedding ceremony which is adults only, then here are a few helpful tips to put into action:adults-only-wedding

The first important thing to do is to let your near and dear ones as well as your guests know that you intend to have an adults only wedding. We warn you- be prepared for plenty of why’s and what’s and a host of other questions but gently letting your guests know beforehand while assuring them that their presence and support means a lot to you, is a lot better than simply sending them a wedding invitation by post. Letting them know in advance also gives them time to plan alternate arrangements for a babysitter so that they don’t miss out on your special day. Here’s a plus point that works in your favour- adults love a night out minus the kids so that’s added reason to make your wedding party even more awesome.


Now let’s talk about wedding invitations. Highlighting a wedding theme is fine by all means, but avoid highlighting any mention of your wedding being an adults only wedding. You don’t want to let any guests feel offended so the right way to address your cards would be to mention the names of those specific guests who are invited and to leave out those who are not. Need some help in picking out fantastic wedding invitations that are trending right now? Just click here for some eye-catching ideas.

We will be back with more tips on how to plan your adults only wedding. Be back for more.

Images courtesy Camera Crew and  Foto Shaadi