So, now that you’ve decided to throw a bachelor party for the lucky to-be groom, what exactly should you and the boys do together? Would a short vacation be ideal or would the groom prefer a more intimate party instead? Whatever be your pick, here are a few themes or ideas which we thought would win the heart of any groom:
Home Bachelor Party- Look at the bright side if you decide to have the party at your own place- you don’t have to pay any venue rent, you can turn up the volume and even decorate the place as you wish. Order everybody’s favourite snacks and watch a game or match together for added cheer. Home bachelor parties allow plenty of close bonding time with the groom and with a few naughty games thrown in, this could become a wonderful memory in the making.
Gaming Arena Bachelor Party– Guys love their video games and even a spot of bowling, especially when they’re competing with other close pals. So, why not let the boys reveal their competitive streak with a few rounds of bowling or snooker and video games followed by a grand dinner at the groom’s favourite restaurant? This is a great theme to pick especially if you’re keen on keeping the overall expenses low.
Sporty Bachelor Party- Some grooms are die-hard sport fans and if your best pal falls in this category then there’s nothing like some real kicking, tackling and dribbling to make him smile. Organizing a short football match or even a game of golf requires planning and plenty of help from the others but you’ll find that it’s the little things like wearing the team colours and keeping actual scores that matter. Dig into some rich carbohydrate loaded food after that and we bet the groom will be all smiles.
More fun bachelor party ideas coming your way next week too!