Newlyweds Valentine Celebration: 6 Ways To Enjoy Your First V-day After Marriage

Whether it’s an arranged match or you’ve known each other for a while; the first Valentine’s day after marriage is always special for the newlywed couples. If this is your first Valentine’s together and if you are planning to make it extremely special or a real surprise for your spouse,then here are some wonderful ideas for all new brides. 

1. Express your love in a letter: Love letters always find a way to the heart no matter how long you have been together. It becomes even more special after marriage. So, brush up your writing skills and write him a letter with small and cute love notes. Decorate it with lots of red hearts and kiss stickers.

2. Make a ‘why I love you’ book: As George Eliot said, “I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved,” men are sucker of love. So when he will discover a book written especially for him by the woman he loves, he will feel blessed again for his decision. Note down all the reasons why you love him and why you are lucky to have a spouse like him.

Valentine couple

3. Meal of Love: Cooking meals for your loved one is always special. But, you can make it extra special by cooking meals with a twist-meals that help you express your love. This means, creating heart shaped cakes or a even inscribing a simple heart using tomato ketchup over his sandwich, etc. Just include one such love-theme item for each meal and he will go head over heels.

4. Kiss of love: This is another time-tested ways of wooing your husband. Use the red lipstick and fill the bathroom mirror with kisses, love notes or whatever naughty ideas are running in your mind. Go, do it and wait for the reaction.

5. Cook together: Nothing can be as sensual as kneading a dough together while sharing a passionate kiss. The menu can be anything as long as both of you love the items. Well, there is a chance that your passion will ignite a fire that may literally burn the cooking, but we are sure both of you will not mind that part.

Valentine ideas

6. Surprise camping trip: Thankfully Valentine’s Day  has fallen on a weekend this year. Do take advantage of this opportunity and show your hubby your wild side. Men always love women with wild streaks. And, if yours is an arranged union, then he would be pleasantly surprised in discovering this hidden side of yours. Pack the rucksack secretly and get everything ready the night before V-day. On Feb 14, wake him up at 4 am and when he will be shocked, ask him to leave the home with you. Don’t disclose the plan right away. Instead, ask him to follow you for a real surprise.

Image courtesy:

Bhaven Jani Photography