Quick Ways To Prep Up Your Skin For Holi

Holi is just around the corner and now is the time to enjoy splashing colours on loved ones, getting drenched in coloured water and enjoying endless cups of bhang. But before you get lost in the fun and frolic that this much loved Indian festival has to offer, taking a few steps to prep up your skin and hair for Holi is  important. Believe it or not, but once those harmful  coloured chemicals get into your hair and skin, you are at a high risk of facing skin breakouts, acne problems and damaged hair. So, here’s what you need to do before stepping out for some fun:

Oil to the Rescue

You may not be in the habit of applying oil on your skin, but now is a good time to do just that. Take a bath before you go to play Holi and apply a good amount of oil to your skin after you pat it dry. Your skin will be able to soak up the oil really well and it is this sticky layer that will act like a natural barrier against those harmful coloured chemicals. As an additional precaution, you can also apply your favourite moisturiser too.

Wash your Hair

We suggest washing and prepping your hair before you go out to play. Apply a generous amount of oil after you wash your hair as well so that your mane stays soft and protected. The oil also prevents the hair from becoming more rough and brittle later. Hair experts advocate mixing Moroccan oil and olive oil in equal measure for good results but coconut oil works just as beautifully.

Painted Nails Rock

Discoloured or multi-coloured nails are often a big problem to deal with after the fun is over because the mixed colours do not fade away that easily. We suggest painting your nails in a dark shade like black, navy blue or blood red, so that you can use a nail polish remover later to clean your fingernails thoroughly.

Cover Your Skin

It’s important to keep as much of your skin covered as possible by wearing long sleeved clothes so that the possibility of Holi powder coming into direct contact with your skin is minimised. Long hair is best plaited instead of leaving it loose as the likelihood of more hair damage is higher. If you’re a fan of contact lenses, now would the right time to switch to a pair of spectacles so that you don’t get any nasty eye infections later.


Image courtesy Black and White Photography

Getting rid of the Holi colour stains on the skin is easier than you thought! Simply use cotton balls dipped in rose water to get rid of the colours gently and stick to home-made face masks made from besan, milk and honey to address any skin problems. Hair may be rinsed with a gentle shampoo at least two times to fully get rid of the powder. Do not forget to use a hair conditioner and a deep hydrating hair mask to keep your hair nourished and healthy. Here’s wishing you and your loved ones a colourful Holi!

Image courtesy Little Passports