Are You Ready To Try Beauty Face Mask Bingeing?

We know that modern day brides love looking dew drop fresh and gorgeous, but how many really follow a comprehensive skin care routine every day without fail? Yes, achieving skin that looks spa fresh every hour of the day is nothing short of near impossible, but thanks to a new quirky beauty regime that is sneaking into the homes of celebs and famous people all over the world, you too are just a few minutes away from gorgeous skin whenever you feel like unmasking a new you.

Welcome to the world of beauty face mask bingeing! To be honest, nobody would associate a word like ‘bingeing’ with anything other than food, obesity and lonely weekends but beauty face mask bingeing is probably the only sort of bingeing that we know of that’s approved and which is good for you.

So what is a Mask?

beauty face mask bingeing

Image courtesy New York Times

Well, beauty face masks generally come in two variants. The first is the liquid kind which you mix by using different dry and wet ingredients and which is then applied on your face, whereas the second kind of mask is the type which includes a fibre sheet that is loaded with vitamins or serum and which can be ‘worn’ on the face. Yes, there are even cut-outs for the eyes, lips and nose so that you don’t suffocate!

Ok, so what does a face mask have to do with bingeing?

Let’s just say that a beauty face mask binge merely involves the application of more than one mask in a short duration of time and this is done to give the skin multiple shots of goodness in the form of vitamins, serum or herbal ingredients. So, let us assume that you have oily skin and you apply a face pack containing tea-tree oil to get rid of any pimples or acne. You would then follow it up with a face pack containing Vitamin C for that glowing healthy look and lastly with a moisturising pack so that your skin doesn’t look dried out like an ageing leaf. In case you’re wondering if your skin has the capacity to take in so many ‘nutrients’ in one go; yes, it certainly does.

So, why try Beauty Face Mask Bingeing at all?

beauty face mask bingeing

Image courtesy Style Craze

  1. Well, it’s worked for so many people and it can give you that clear skin you’ve always wanted.
  2. You can either buy a ready to use face mask that works for your skin type or simply make your own at home.
  3. Beauty face mask bingeing is comparatively cheaper on the wallet when compared to a regular salon treatment which would give similar results.
  4. Imagine you have a party to go to and you want fresh looking skin in less than 5 minutes. Simply pat on a face mask and you’ll give your skin an instant rejuvenating shot. There are actually over the counter face masks available to suit every occasion, so if you are desperate to get rid of that one pimple just before the party, you will be able to find a face mask to suit your need of the hour.
  5. What if we told you that beauty face mask bingeing is actually trending on Instagram? Yes, women AND men are more than happy to put up mug shots of their beauty face mask bingeing marathons. Don’t believe us? Check out the hashtag #facemask.

How do you decide which beauty face mask to use at what time of the day or before which occasion? We will give you all the info you need on different kinds of beauty face masks available, in our next article.They are guaranteed to work wonders on your skin. Stay tuned!

Main image courtesy Home Remedy Shop