Bridal Boot camps are slowly making waves throughout the country and are solely targeted at brides to be who want to shed off any extra weight, shape their bulges or simply get fit before D-day. Brides to be can expect high intensity physical programs that gives every muscle in the body a full-on workout. Although, most brides to be are assured that they are in safe hands with regard to the workouts, the right type of food to consume and to avoid is often a cause of concern. Don’t worry about whether your nutritionist at the bridal boot camp is going to put you on a diet of lettuce and water for 3 weeks (because that will never happen!), but having said that, the kind of food you eat will have a huge impact on your performance during workouts and otherwise. The right kind of food should leave you energised and ready to take on the world whereas the wrong kind of diet components will leave you energy-less, starving for unhealthy food and could give you more health problems.
So, where should the process of healthy eating start? Let’s begin with your fridge:
Most people think that sugar is consumed only in its visible white crystal form but that is completely untrue. On an average, people consume a minimum of 6 tablespoons of sugar in some form every day and don’t realise it at all! Don’t believe us? Then take out your stock of canned soup, off the shelf bread, fat free cup-cakes, chocolate, cereals, canned beans and anything else that comes in a box, package or can. Read the ingredients and you will find that sugar is present in almost every ‘healthy’ food item in our kitchen. SO, if you have been used to eating from a can for a good part of your life it’s time to make a switch and remember that this is for life and not just for the wedding day.
One of the easiest ways to get rid of a whole lot of unwanted carbs is to gather all your not so healthy snacks and treats on the kitchen table and to keep not more than 15% of it while throwing out the rest. Studies have shown that people who suddenly make the change from an unhealthy diet to a healthy one may give in to urges and cravings later and binge, which defeats the very purpose of eating healthy. So, limiting the number of unhealthy snacks that you eat without eliminating them entirely from your diet, will give you better control over sudden cravings too. Plus, you will get toned faster with your bridal boot camp workouts too.
Another trick to ensure that you eat healthy irrespective of where you are is to eat food on a small plate whenever you eat out or at home. Studies have shown that the size of a dining plate has a direct influence on the quantity of food that a person eats. So, by sticking to vegetables, lean meat and skimmed milk products, you will feel the difference within a few weeks of eating healthy.