bridal attire – India's Wedding Blog

Tag: bridal attire

bridal attire

Top 8 Mistakes Made In Bridal Attire Shopping

What should you watch out for while going bridal attire shopping? We've got 8 tips that we bet nobody has warned you about before.

kashmiri bride

Indian Bridal Attire – Kashmiri Bridal dress

Take a look at the essential elements of the Indian Kashmiri bridal dress......

Indian bride

5 Great Bridal Trousseau Options

The bridal trousseau is one of the most important items in the wedding preparations. A lot of jewellery along with a lot of dresses, all or most of...

Indian bride

Dos and Don’ts of Bridal Attire

Right since the time she is a young girl, every bride imagines looking pretty on her wedding day with all the fancy glittering jewels and the pretty bridal...