Top 3 Pre-Wedding Jitters And How To Tackle Them Head On

Marriage is without doubt one of the biggest life changing decisions that you will ever make and that’s why pre- wedding jitters are considered quite a normal experience for brides to go through. But here’s the problem- how do you tell when your sixth sense is actually warning you about impending doom and when the butterflies in your stomach are nothing that you should get yourself stressed out about?

Contrary to what our grandmothers would have advised and keeping the changing trends of marriage in mind, marriage counsellors actually advise brides to take some time out for themselves and to rationalise exactly what is making them dread the wedding day. Thinking about issues that may concern you but which may not have been addressed openly will bring in a certain amount of clarity and help you decide what to do next. Let’s take a look at 3 top bridal concerns that could raise the pre-wedding jitter flag:

The problem- Fighting with your fiancé about almost everything

pre wedding jitter

Image courtesy Capturing Creatures

Fairy tales tell us that our Prince Charming will be tailor made to suit our every need but reality is a very different picture altogether. While many women think that the ideal life partner should be one whose every interest matches theirs, counsellors don’t really hold the same view. Beautiful marriages have been built by couples who have completely different likes and interests. However, if you find that the two of you can’t even meet halfway with regard to making smaller decisions before marriage, then you shouldn’t be under the illusion that marriage itself will solve everything. In all likelihood, you will end up marrying the wrong person!

The problem- You would like to know if he is at risk of getting hereditary diseases

pre wedding jitter

Image courtesy Capturing Creatures

Asking a guy to take an AIDS test before marriage was once considered taboo but not anymore. You have every right to know if the guy you are marrying is at risk of getting a lifestyle disease or two whilst you two are married. Likewise, your partner too has the right to know if there are any diseases in your family which he may not be aware of. We suggest that the best way to tackle this pre-wedding jitter is to talk about your concern in private with your partner and then go for a full medical check-up together. After you say your vows, you don’t need to feel like you had hidden anything.

The problem- You don’t really like his family


You need to ask yourself- what exactly is it about his family that you don’t like? Is it that they haven’t taken to you, that they don’t gel with your own parents or that you just don’t know them well enough? Not getting along with one’s in-laws is the standard pre-wedding jitter for any bride to be! However, we suggest taking time to understand each member of his family individually and one of the best ways to build up a bond is to find a hobby class or an activity or even go watch a movie together. In spite of all your efforts, if you still feel that there is a vacuum, rethinking marriage may be best.

Main Image courtesy: StudioFocusVision