While most of the soon-to-be-married brides and grooms spend days planning the perfect wedding , they miss out on a major point: that of transitioning to a new life after marriage. Marriage, no matter how flattering it might seem on the silver screen, can actually be quite a daunting task to accomplish . Because it makes two totally different human beings come together and share their equally different lives with each other; the transition can become pretty exhausting if one isn’t well-prepared.
Here are the best tips gathered from the wisest couples around to make this transition called marriage a smooth one.
1. Forget Bachelorhood: Whether you are the bride or the groom, leaving your single status behind is the first wise step towards an easy transition to this new life. The more time you will take to accept your ‘married’ status, more difficult will this transition be for you. Therefore, bid adieu to your single-hood and step into this joint venture.
2. Accept Yourself as ‘Two’ Now: Yes, you are no longer single. So, be open to reprioritize your life. Remember, this rule is applicable for both husband and wife. Before your marriage, you might be used to packing your bag and leaving on an unplanned holiday whenever possible without informing friends or family. Be ready to adjust a little without that pure unadulterated freedom. Imagine how fun it would be to escape the weekend parties to be with your SO on a secluded beach or somewhere in the mountains!
3. “Perfect Marriage,” A Myth: Can you remember one fairytale that is about the love story of a married prince with this beautiful princess? Probably not. Because all the fairytales end in marriage. Hence, nobody knows what happened to the favourite love-birds. The truth is that no marriage is “perfect” and that every marriage requires hardwork from the very beginning.
4. Consider Adjustments as the Learning Curve: Prepare your mind for a lot of adjustments. When you live with your mom, dad and siblings, you still have to make quite a few adjustment just to make them happy. We make adjustments for the people we love. As you learn to adapt and adjust, you will also learn a lot about life and love.
5. Be Open to Changes: From habits to beliefs to sharing everyday stuff; when your entire life is going to change, why be rigid ? Imagine starting at a new office or in a new school. Were you be the only person present there? No. Likewise, you have to be flexible and adapt to the changing situations even in married life.
6. Accept Him/Her as an Individual: The biggest mistake that can prevent you from transiting into your new life after marriage is not considering your spouse as an individual. So, he/she will naturally have his/her way of doing things, in everything. So, the last thing you should do is try to change your Significant Other to be like you. Remember, true love is also about giving some freedom. Differences and contrast are what make this life colourful and interesting.
That’s all you need to know now to make an easy transition to your new life after marriage. All the best!
Images Courtesy: Camera Crew