Visiting our Ireland offices at Europa Academy in Dublin this September was a nice relief from the Mumbai heat. We share our offices with The Apprentice, a reality TV show where young entrepreneurs compete with each other on various business challenges, the winner getting to be a business partner with Bill Cullen. Its not our side of business, but fun to see the film crews coming in through the year and then seeing it later on national TV.
We have a great team in Ireland, who have been working in the wedding’s online world for 13 years now. They understand the needs of the weddings vendors and the brides very well and seek to match them both. They also have a great back-office team to provide top digital marketing expertise, staying as the leader in the online wedding world in Ireland.
Our Ireland office and website launched on Valentine’s Day 2000 – which in the online world is a long time! We were happy to hear Ireland has officially come out of its recession, this year and thankfully we have continued to grow in those past number years in Ireland, adding new features and many offline extras for our vendors. The team there has put on their annual awards at the fabulous Clontarf Castle. They have run a number of seminars for wedding industry professionals with wedding specialist Alan Berg. These ‘off’-line” additions have been a great opportunity to meet face to face and also to help the wedding vendors with tips and advise from sales and wedding experts.
This November, the Ireland directors, Peter Bryans and Robert Truesdale will be visting Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and Goa with an Irish trade mission.
Speaking ahead of the mission Minister Bruton said: “India is rapidly transforming into a global economic powerhouse and has moved into a central position, not just as one of the key engines of growth in Asia, but as a key player in global trade. As a result, India is increasing in prominence in the export strategies of Irish companies and institutions, who recognise India’s emergence as one of the most powerful economies in the world. The continued steady growth of Irish exports to India represents an excellent performance and there are significant further opportunities for increased trade and partnership between Irish and Indian organisations.”
Here at weddingsonline India, we are looking forward to the next 12 months in India, as we seek to bring our expertise in digital marketing for weddings to the Indian vendors and also bring more news, stories and inspiration, and an online chat facility for the Indian brides and grooms and their families.