So you’ve decided to have a DIY wedding and just one week into the actual DIY wedding planning, you find yourself slowly burning out. You’re getting irritated for the smallest things and suddenly you’re also wondering why you thought you were tough enough to take on the challenge of planning a very important day in your life.
Take a deep breath, sip on a chilled chocolate milkshake and unwind. The first step to DIY wedding planning is to understand that you aren’t expected to actually plan every detail from A-Z and also to accept the fact that you need to have a team to do the running around with you. So here are a few DIY wedding planning tips to help you stay calm and yet turn you into a super-efficient in-house wedding planner:
Image courtesy ND Photography
Get help from your groom: A lot of brides assume that grooms aren’t interested in wedding planning and therefore stay away from any form of wedding preparations. However, if you can get support from your groom, you’ll find that you have someone to share half the stress with. There may be a lot of things on which both of you don’t agree on as well but the actual wedding ceremony will mean more to both of you because it’s the result of combined creativity and effort.
Have Boundaries: Your mother and your future mother in law may have completely different ideas on how a wedding should be. Take advice from those who have planned weddings in the family but ensure that your DIY wedding planning has your special touch. Pleasing everybody to score brownie points should not be on the agenda right now.
Image courtesy ND Photography
Make time for yourself: You won’t realise just how important it is to keep pampering yourself throughout the DIY wedding planning until you reach a breaking point. Before you reach that point where you’ve had enough and want to stay away from the wedding planning itself, make time for small de-stressing hobbies like reading, spa sessions, listening to music and even a few minutes of yoga everyday if you can. These few ‘me-time’ moments will help you pick your way through any crisis.
Image Courtesy Shutterspeed
Form a Team: Who are the friends and family members you know you will stand by you through thick and thin and help you put the dream wedding together? Ask them for help and advice as you get started on the DIY wedding planning. Delegate different tasks to each person so that nobody steps on the others toes and also to ensure that multiple tasks can be done simultaneously. Don’t forget to ask your team to be alert and to help on your D-Day too.
Image Courtesy Shutterspeed
A common bridal complaint we hear often is that the bride felt rushed and could not enjoy the moments leading to her ceremony properly. A good way to avoid this is to make a small time-table on your wedding day with allotted time for each activity including a few minutes for drinking your morning cuppa. Just by going by the clock, you’ll find you have plenty of time on your hands for the moments that matter most.
Main image: Vivah Photography
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