Be Your Own Wedding Planner- DIY Bridal Bouquet
What kind of flowers would you like to have as a part of your bridal bouquet? Brides often crib about giving their florists exact instructions as to the kind of flowers they would like to have for their bridal bouquet, only to find that often they are holding something entirely different in their arms, while walking down the aisle! We say that you can put together your own DIY bridal bouquet with minimum effort and absolutely no fuss. Here’s how:
Order Online- Online florist sites are real blessings in disguise aren’t they? Besides great offers and discounts, you also get to see exactly what you are purchasing before you click the ‘Buy’ icon. Florist sites like My Flower Tree has a special range of bouquets for weddings and can even deliver your bouquet to you on the same day, if you wish. Ferns n Petals is another good florist website which has some really beautiful bouquets for sale. If you aren’t too particular about the wedding cake, you could opt for a combo offer at really good prices as well.
Visit the flower market- Every city has a wholesale flower market where one can spot many vendors making fresh purchases early in the morning. Fresh flowers are usually sold by the kilo and if you only plan on making a DIY bridal bouquet for the wedding, then it’s best to deal with a flower vendor who is located near the wedding venue. Many such vendors would be more than happy to create a special bouquet for you with extra ferns and fillers for a small price. If you would like to make your own bouquet, simply buy the flowers at least one day before the wedding and keep them in a cool place. Opt for seasonal flowers or blooms and sprinkle water on them so that they retain their freshness on your wedding day.
Do a trial bouquet- Assuming that you would need just enough flowers to make a bridal bouquet and probably smaller bouquets for your bridesmaids as well; transporting the flowers in a car would be enough as arranging for additional transportation could be costly. However, we do suggest making a trial DIY bridal bouquet at least one week prior to the wedding (with the help of family and friends, of course!) so that you’re all set for D-day. This gives you enough time to change the flowers if required and to buy any other embellishments such as dried flowers, ribbons or the like.
Need more inspiration for a DIY bridal bouquet? Check out Afloral for some great eye-catching DIY ideas.