Wedding Website Dos and Don’ts

When it comes to creating your wedding website, things could get a bit confusing. From choosing its theme to the information to put on it, you might need to consider several points.  Welcome to one of the trickiest parts of wedding planning: the wedding website. Perhaps, you have seen stunning wedding websites made by other couples which seem oh-so-perfect in every sense. Now that it’s your turn, the task doesn’t look that easy. You just don’t know where to begin, and, more importantly, what to put on it. This article will help you out since we are considering some of the dos and don’ts of wedding website design and content that can make matter easy for guests and all those involved in the wedding.

Wedding Website Do’s

1. Do match it with your wedding theme

Make sure your wedding website matches your wedding theme. Say, you are planning a beach wedding or a royal-themed destination wedding in Udaipur or, maybe, even a big fat Bollywood-style wedding. If you design your website based on the same theme, your guests will get a clear idea about what to expect and prepare for it.

2. Do password protect it

Don’t want wedding gatecrashers? Then password protect your wedding website at all possible costs. If that’s not possible, at least make sure nothing important is left accessible for public. From website URL address to your address or phone number, keep all the information protected from public view.

3. Do give route map and other instructions

All your friends and family abroad are going to go through your wedding website to seek necessary information (the directions to the venue and so on.) So put down the necessary information on the site with easy navigation.

4. Do recommend places to visit

Your friends abroad would be at your wedding venue for a week or two. It will help them if you can suggest a few interesting places to visit during their stay when time permits.

5. Do keep it simple yet informative

Above everything else, try to keep your website as simple as possible. Go for easy User Interface and keep the site light. Use bright colours, interesting (but not weird) fonts and information that would serve your guests’ interests.

Wedding Website Don’ts

1. Don’t mention exclusive events

If your hen party or sangeet or haldi is not for everyone invited then it’d be wise to not include it in the website.

2. Don’t forget to include a timeline

Yes, a wedding website without a proper timeline hardly means anything. Try and create the timeline after excluding the exclusive private parties and upload it.

3. Don’t overdo anything

Whatever information and functionality you are going to use in your website, make sure to maintain a balance. The last thing your guests would like to see a website overstuffed with content and suggestions.

4. Don’t post too many pictures

Try not to bombard your guests with thousands of pictures starting right from those early dating days.

5. Don’t make it a travel website either

While recommending a few places to visit, don’t get carried away and end up making your wedding website more like a travel site.

Featured Image Courtesy: Dream In Focus