10 Precautions to Avoid Common Mishaps on Your Honeymoon
Honeymoon is dreamy as long as you are just planning it right. ‘Planning’ does not always mean just getting the best 7 star suite or your flight tickets booked in advance. It also means that you and your spouse have prepared yourselves well for the honeymoon, about the things that could go wrong when on the honeymoon. Here, we will talk about 10 precautions which will help you to avoid the most common mishaps on your honeymoon.
1. Know Each Other’s Interests: You love hills, your spouse loves coasts. You have always dreamed of enjoying your honeymoon somewhere in the lap of nature, away from the crowd and noise; your spouse has his/her heart set in the metro cities as the honeymoon gateway. Such clash of interest is very natural and common. So, the best way to avoid a misunderstanding is to sit together and choose a honeymoon destination that you both would love to go.
Click here to read how to zero in on the perfect honeymoon spot.
2. Plan in Advance: No prize for guessing why you should do that. Yes. Maybe, the thrill of planning your honeymoon at the last moment is undeniable, but, you may end up paying thrice for the trip or, at worst, returning back in a day or two failing to find a good hotel.
3. Discuss Your Budget: Whether you plan Bora Bora or some Hawaiian island, discussing your budget can save you from disastrous misunderstanding during or after your honeymoon. In fact, often, your honeymoon budget will shoot up once you set out. So, planning the budget in advance can save you from running short of money.
4. Take Care of Your Health: One of the most common honeymoon mishaps is health issues faced by couples. It can be sea-sickness, high-altitude mountain sickness or travel issues. And the last thing you would want is to spoil the entire trip by falling sick. What’s the way out? Meet your physician, take medicines if advised, do some exercises to keep your body fit, and maintain a proper diet.
5. Pack Your Luggage Beforehand: Forgetting that designer beachwear you specially bought for your honeymoon is a common mishap. Therefore, create a things-to-pack list and get done with the packing task days ahead your honeymoon. A final check can be done the day before you leave for your honeymoon.
6. Pack the Medicine Kit: Couples often make a big mistake thinking they will get all the medicines available as and when needed. But, if you are opting for some remote areas or you have special health issues, you can be in deep trouble. So, take your medicine kit along with you.
7. Keep All the Papers Handy: Forgetting your passport is the last thing you want. But, it is the most common blunder. Hence, keep all the papers handy in your purse or sling bag.
8. Do a Little Research: To avoid getting lost on your honeymoon. Do research and get some basic ideas and information about your honeymoon destination. It’s better to go prepared than to get lost, always.
9. Create a Backup Plan: Natural calamities or sudden changes in airlines often leave couples panicked and disheartened right before their honeymoon. So, keep your Plan B ready.
10. No Group Tour: Please, by all means, do not go with a group. This is one mishap that may cost you lifelong misunderstanding between you and your spouse.
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