4 Groom Style Trends We Love

Modern day brides are getting choosier about their bridal wear and they don’t want to conform to just about any trend that’s doing the rounds- on the other hand, they would rather spark off a new one! The good news is that our Indian grooms aren’t far behind either. Here are 4 groom style trends that are worth considering this wedding season:

groom style trends

Image courtesy Ankur Dandekar 

Suits with a twist 

The formal wedding Western suit which often gives the groom a very uncomfortable look, is now officially passe. Instead, grooms are now experimenting with the much more suave tuxedos and jackets for a really cool look. If you would still prefer to wear a Western suit, we suggest making your overall appearance a bit casual. For instance, you could opt to take off your jacket while clicking a few photos and if you don’t mind going quirky, then how about a polka dotted tie or a colourful bow-tie as well? We think that this groom style trend is here to stay.

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Image courtesy Candid Kliks

Regal Indian Look

If brides can wear intricately embroidered lehengas, why not the grooms? That’s probably why brocade, embroidery and Indian block prints are a favourite with many Indian designers who are also making it a mission to revive India’s lost and glorious embroidery work and weaving traditions. So, if you are planning to go all Indian for the wedding and the reception, we suggest either choosing the same shade as your bride or going for one that would complement the colour she is wearing. For example, a midnight blue sherwani with gold thread work would look stunning next to a delicate gold net lehenga worn by the bride.

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Image courtesy Jinal Studio

Shoes maketh the Man

Footwear has never been in the spotlight as much as this year and that’s because they are being seen as a very important groom style trend accessory that can either make or break a look. We suggest skipping black shoes unless your outfit is white and experimenting with other shades as well. No, you don’t have to go all out and pick fluorescent but the right footwear shade can enhance an ensemble beautifully. Think a midnight blue suit with tan coloured pumps or even white ones. Mojiris with embroidery are a must for Indian grooms who choose to wear a heavily embroidered kurta or a sherwani.

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Image courtesy Camera Crew

Colours that Pop

We honestly love this new groom style trend and we admit it’s been a tad late in doing the rounds. If you’ve always wondered why the bride gets to look all gorgeous in dazzling bright shades while you are left to make do with dull ones, we say now is the time to put some colour in your wedding wear. Believe it or not, but Indian grooms have been spotted in shades like baby pink, baby blue, marsala (yes the same marsala that was in last year), titanium grey and midnight blue- and these are just to name a few. If you aren’t comfortable with a baby pink sherwani, no problem, you can still have a pop of colour in your lapel, dupatta, turban or even footwear.

So, what are you waiting for? Pick up your favourite groom style trend and put together a classy wedding look today.

Main image courtesy Sadanand Photography