5 Tips To Ensure You Look Your Best On Your Wedding Day
You’ve been dreaming about your moment down the aisle ever since you were a little girl and yet as the day nears, you are feeling anything but fresh and energetic. Just two days before the wedding, all you want to do is to sleep and to have some time to yourself but the streaming relatives just won’t let you have any privacy at all. And to top it all, you’re expected to look like a rosy-cheeked blushing bride on D-Day.
What if we told you that it is possible to look your very prettiest on your wedding day even if you aren’t exactly feeling on top of the world? Here are 5 tips that you can put into practice two days before D-Day to help you be the best bride you can be:
image courtesy Pritya Arts
Stay Hydrated- It’s easy to forget to drink water and to stay hydrated- even if this is a habit we follow without thinking twice every other day. Amidst all the fanfare, drinking water and staying hydrated may be the last thing in your mind. But let’s not forget that dehydration is a reality and your face will look pale when your body is low on water besides your lips looking parched as well. Drink at least one glass of water every one to two hours to beat the heat and to retain a healthy glow.
Avoid Alcohol- Alcohol has been proven to dehydrate the body further and also robs us off nutrients each time we enjoy a drink. We suggest avoiding any drinks with alcohol even if your guests suggest otherwise. On the other hand, if all your guests would like to toast you and your future spouse, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy a mocktail either. Or simply juice a few of your favourite raw veggies together and give yourself an instant detox concoction. Either way, you’ll be doing your body a big favour.
Image courtesy Onkar Photography
Eat Light- Two days before the wedding is the right time to start eating light. Say no to heavy cream laden curries, fried specialities and sweets because this kind of a diet will only add to your lethargy. In order to have a constant supply of energy to deal with guests all through the day, munching on a few healthy snacks like dried fruits and nuts is a good way to give your body necessary fuel without weighing it down either. Opt for steamed veggies and if you absolutely must have some form of non-vegetarian protein, stick to grilled chicken and fish. By eating light and nutritious food, you make the digestive process easier for your tummy too and hence there’s no stress about possible gastric problems.
Sleep Well- Switch off any electronic device the minute you are in your bedroom and pit on some soothing music on your mp3 player instead. To put it very simply, there is no substitute for sleep and that’s why you need all the rest you can get without any distractions. Get at least 8 – 10 hours of sleep so that you wake up refreshed and not sluggish or tired. Catching up on an afternoon nap is a good way to stay alert too.
Image courtesy Onkar Photography
Go for a Spa session– If you’ve been meaning to make time for a spa session for long but haven’t gotten around to doing so as yet, now may be the right time to make an appointment and enjoy a 2 hour pampering session. To enjoy it further, switch off your mobile phone while you are getting a massage so that you don’t have any other distractions. Let your mind feel light and refreshed with the personal attention you get from the experts.
Main image courtesy Pritya Arts