How To Make Your Wedding Kids Friendly
There is no such thing as an “adults only wedding” in India. In fact; no wedding is complete without a handful of children running from one end of the place to another- be it your house or the wedding/reception venue. Yes, things could get a bit annoying sometimes, but we must not forget the laughter and happiness kids add to the events with their antics and ‘masti’. So, while you may be researching on how to please your grown up wedding guests, you must also spare some moments to check out what will make the kids at your wedding have maximum fun. Here are some ideas you may incorporate.
Kids meal really matters
Don’t go by the sub-line, no one is asking you to offer a mandatory McDonald’s Happy meal for every child in presence but it means that one should choose the kid’s menu wisely. Children don’t have appetite for full course meals and large spreads. They get happy with multiple mini things. So the idea is to have more variety but in mini sizes. For example, you can offer them mini burgers and pizzas instead of the regular sized ones. Cookies, tarts, cupcakes are liked by children so have some options of this as well.
Kids specific food stall
This is an extension to the above point though, since you will be serving the items liked by children, why not place it under a special ‘Kids Food Section?’ Like this, they’ll have a space to cater to their hunger pangs. Make them feel special by this gesture.
Don’t miss the cutlery
Kids are restless beings-not bound to stick to one place. Even when they are eating, they will likely roam around. A practical thing to do is to replace the regular sized plates with quarters or smaller size ones. The material also could be plastic or thermocol instead of bone china or glass.
Plan fun activities
You can’t expect children to be seated at one place all throughout the ceremonies at your wedding. So instead of them cribbing and fussing over being restricted to one place by their parents, why not get them occupied with something they like? A simple solution to this is – fun activities. Plan some fun games, activities like clay modelling, colouring books, building blocks etc. in a separate area at your wedding venue and let them play! Make sure you think of age appropriate activities for them, unless you want toddlers eating up clay or tearing away colour books instead of colouring them.
Include wedding favours accordingly
It is always a good idea to give appropriate favours to your little wedding guests as opposed to generic ones. You may give them colours, sketch books, cookie jars, chocolate hampers etc. Their parents might not appreciate the sugar rush, but the kids certainly will!
A wedding is supposed to be a celebration with your loved ones around, right? The fun surely increases with the non-stop chirpiness of kids around.