5 Reasons You Are Failing To Reduce Belly Fat
When it comes to looking good on your wedding day, you do it all: Some brides go on crash diets, still others work hard at the gym. Yet, despite these efforts, getting that perfect figure seems a distant dream . The belly is one area that is especially hard to reduce. If you are trying to get that picture perfect body but your belly seems to be getting in the way of your plans (pun intended!), then you might be making these common mistakes. Read on for 5 most common mistakes brides commit while trying to reduce belly fat:
- Irregular sleeping schedule: Sleeping at wrong times or for insufficient hours is one of the major reasons for not being able to control belly fat. Not sleeping enough or sleeping late has adverse affects on your body. Many brides tend to crave fat building foods such as sugar and fried foods. Not getting enough sleep alters the hormone production and this is a major cause of accumulation of belly fat. Make sure you sleep for at least 7 hours at night for getting a flat tummy.
- Keeping the focus only on cardio: Those extra hours spent on the treadmill might make you feel like you are doing a lot of hard work in your effort to lose the belly fat but that is not really true. In fact; cardio is the least effective form of exercise when it comes to weight loss, and especially for belly fat . So, focus on high intensity interval exercises rather than wasting your time on wrong kind of workout.
- Removing all fats from the diet: This is another mistake that many of us tend to make while trying to reduce the waist line. Truth is that, we don’t need to remove all fats from our diet. There are some healthy fats which, when consumed, help in burning the body fat. If you remove all fats from your body then it will result in dull complexion and dry skin. You obviously don’t want that to happen. So, make sure you include healthy fats like fatty fish, seeds, nuts etc in your diet. Almond and walnuts are especially a rich source of healthy fats and they also contain Vitamin E, which is also known to be good for the skin.
- Excess sugar intake: Brides to be often have difficulty controlling their sweet tooth. Every time you look at those sweets, remember that losing belly fat will be harder when you indulge. Repeat this mantra over and over and with time, you will surely learn to curb those sweet cravings. Replace those sweets with proteins, vegetables, fruits etc instead.
- Skipping meals: Many have this misconception that by skipping meals they will trim the fat off their bellies. This is a misconception as it not only increases cravings of binge-eating later , but also directs the body to store fat in certain areas such as the thighs, hips and tummy etc. So, rather than binge eating or eating junk food or sweets, just try to make up for the missing energy and make sure you eat smaller meals at regular intervals.
We all know belly fat is the most difficult to lose but with a little exercise and a little control on ourselves, we can all accomplish a beautifully toned body to help flaunt any dress with confidence.
Photo credits: Designemporia.in