Subtle Signs That You’re Becoming A Groomzilla

Wedding planners all over the country usually dread the thought of dealing with bridezillas, but it seems that as grooms prepare to play a bigger role in weddings, they now have a new kind of species to be wary of- say hello to the groomzilla. As is apparent, a groomzilla is simply the male version of a bridezilla- a groom who believes that the entire wedding revolves around him and who is prone to serious temper tantrums and bad behaviour if he feels that his views are not being given the attention it deserves.

As with bridezillas, the signs are often subtle and most groomzillas don’t realise that they are behaving badly often until it’s too late. So, we thought that we’d compile a list for you highlighting a few signs which show that you’re probably on your way to becoming a fearsome groomzilla:


It’s great to have an idea or even to work out little details about your wedding theme, your groom wear and so on but forcing your ideas on your to be bride and assuming that she will be fine with doing things your way will not be appreciated. Assuming that you have proposed to her and your wedding will be a few months away from your engagement date, it would be wiser to use this period to understand her thoughts and other wedding related concerns. The wedding should be a partnership which blends together the best of everyone’s ideas and especially those of the couple going to wed.


Social media has become such a huge part of our lives that often we do not realise that we are giving out more information than what’s required. We’re quite sure that your friends will enjoy reading little tid-bits and other updates about the wedding and the other details from time to time but updates, especially status updates and bombarding everybody’s timeline with a number of pictures is certainly not going to be appreciated. Your wedding is a happy event but it’s crucial not to overdo every little thing and let’s be honest, brides love to keep wedding details a surprise. You wouldn’t want to have nasty fights over any content you put up on your social media accounts without letting her know first. We think being ‘unfriended’ irrespective of the social media platform is both uncool and uncomfortable!


Groomzillas cant help but bring up the topic of the wedding to anybody and everybody they meet. Often, they may not realise that people are just being polite and are listening to them for the sake of courtesy and mistake such gestures as a show of genuine interest. A wedding is definitely something to be excited about; after all for most couples it is the start of a whole new milestone but bringing up the topic just because you want to discuss it becomes irritating after a point. You’ll realise that you have overdone the wedding talk when colleagues, friends and relatives politely start avoiding you so, keep any wedding talk down to a minimum.


Worried that you may be on your way to becoming a groomzilla? Wait for the second part of our article coming soon.