A cute romantic story sent in by our reader Sahil followed by a gorgeous pre-wedding photoshoot
MyPoolin-Plan Play and Pay with Friends is an Android based app that allows friends to pool money for buying the perfect wedding gifts for friends and family....Check out how you can avail this service!
Eastern Europe might not be the first place that comes to mind when you are considering where to go for your honeymoon. Like every honeymooner you want a destination that is memorable and unique. Presenting information about top East European honeymoon destinations.....
A wedding invitation gives the first idea of what your wedding will be like. Get trendy with these ideas.
Losing weight in time for the wedding can be a challenge. However, if you make an advanced plan and stick to it you will look amazing on your big day.
Most brides to be go through some sort of pre-wedding diet plan. After all, all eyes will be on you and you want to look your best. Here we tell you how to lose that extra fat before the big day....
Bring out the best in cultures by celebrating a multi cultural wedding with your loved ones. We show you how.