Bill Cosby once said: Grey hair is God’s Graffiti, but you certainly do not want greys on your wedding day! We hope these tips help address your hair-issues.....
A wedding therapist is more than just a counselor- she can be a guide who will hold your hand as you enter a new phse in life. Click here to find out more.
Read on for more handy tips on how to choose the perfect wedding saree for you!
We continue to give you more tips on how to choose a wedding saree for both day and night time events.
A question many brides and grooms face on their wedding day- should they wear glasses or contact lenses on the Wedding day. Our guest blogger from GlassesOn Web explores the pros and cons.....
Add plenty of fun elements to your beach wedding this year.
A beach wedding does not have to be just a fantasy anymore- make it a reality with our tips!