Kirandeep & Jaipartap – A Surreal Wedding in New York | Nadia D Photography

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We are totally in awe of this beautiful wedding we received recently. Everything about it is perfect and we especially love their colour palette. Kirandeep and Jaipartap elegantly coordinated their wedding attire and the results are oh so beautiful! The attention to details is magnificent and yet seems effortless and natural. The natural beauty of Old Westbury Gardens provides a perfect backdrop for these alluring pictures.

Bride and Groom

Kirandeep Dhillon & Jaipartap


ReceptionCipriani Wall Street

Wedding Sikh Cultural Society Gurudwara

SangeetSterling Caterers

Wedding Dress Designer

BrideRimple and Harpreet Narula

GroomTom Ford, Royal Suit Company and Rimple and Harpreet Narula

Photography and Cinematography

Nadiad Photo and MJS Productions 204

Decor designer

Design House Decor

Hair and Makeup

ReceptionGina Marie and Teresa K Beauty

Wedding- Sanjana Vaswani

Wedding Cake

Empire Cake NYC


Spin Singh and Rokit Beats

Congratulations to the newlyweds! We wish the couple a very happy married life ahead! Want to submit your professionally shot prewedding/wedding or honeymoon pictures to us for publication? Simply email us the details at! Get details here.

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