Ever thought about what kind of album you wanted to display your wedding pictures in? We give you the top 4 best options
More hot tips on how to choose your candid wedding photographer coming your way in the second part of this article!
A delightful multicultural wedding sent in by a wedding blogger from the USA! View the gorgeous wedding photographs of Rich and Sandeep's Sikh and Christian wedding ceremonies!
weddingsonline Ireland our sister company in Ireland, will be visiting with directors Peter Bryans and Robert Truesdale as part of an Indian-Ireland delegation
In the movies, a wedding is always about a real celebration where the bride and the groom truly make it a ‘one of a kind’ day.
A traditional Telugu wedding following a quirky and creative pre-wedding photoshoot by Yadhu Photography...
Wedding flowers can be a very expensive affair but we give you a few ideas on how you can have a dream wedding without the burden of a...