Samantha Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya are a much loved couple on screen and so when news of their engagement became official, it created a sort of media frenzy and speculations about a lavish wedding later this year, began doing the rounds. In fact social media accounts in the name of ‘ChaiSam’ were created and uploaded with clicked photographs of the ultra-cute couple. The much awaited wedding finally did take place on October 6 according to Hindu customs with a Christian ceremony which followed the next day. We know you’re as excited as us to get into the nitty gritties of the latest celeb wedding, so here goes:
Wedding Type: Destination Wedding
The Location- Hotel W Goa, Vagator Beach
Photographer- Stories by Joseph Radhik
Ceremonies- Mehendi ceremony, Hindu Wedding Ceremony and a Christian Wedding Ceremony
The celeb couple were very clear that they wanted to begin their new journey as man and wife only in the presence of dear friends and family members and if sources are to be believed, only 100 guests were actually present to witness both the weddings.
Mehendi Ceremony
The mehendi ceremony which began at 3 pm and went up to around 8:30 pm saw the bride to be and the groom to be looking their best in clothes that complemented each other. Samantha wore a powder blue lehenga by Kresha Bajaj (her very close pal!) which had very subtle pink and blue floral embroidery. A modern platinum jewellery set by Vanraj Zaveri and light makeup completed the look. If you thought that the gorgeous bride only posed for photos and chose to stay away from the dance floor, you couldn’t be more wrong- lots of photos showing Samantha and Chaitanya shaking a leg and enjoying themselves with guests did the rounds!
Hindu Wedding Ceremony
The couple went straight from the dance floor to their respective rooms to get ready for the actual wedding ceremony held according to Telegu customs. The muhurtam was fixed for after 11:50 pm and the bride looked resplendent in a saree that once belonged to Naga Chaitanya’s grandmother. Samantha’s favourite designer Kresha Bajaj added her own creative touch to the saree by enhancing its finer details. Chaitanya was seen wearing a silk dhoti and kurta as per traditional customs.
Christian Wedding Ceremony
On October 7 which was a Sunday, the couple said their vows again except that it was in a Christian wedding ceremony. The wedding gown which showed off the bride’s flawless skin beautifully was also designed by Kresha Bajaj and the groom wore a time-tested wedding fashion statement- a black tuxedo. Needless to say, going by the photos that have been put up on various social media sites, this celeb wedding has been getting plenty of applause from fans all over the world!
We think that this cute couple give us serious goals when it comes to wedding planning. Even though a lot of effort went into making this event a flawless one, one cant help but admire the manner in which this couple ensured that they were totally immersed in every aspect of the ceremonies- whether it be posing for a photo together, enjoying a dance or just posing!
All images courtesy Stories by Radhik