Real Weddings: Shreya & Somil’s Fairmont Jaipur Wedding

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“The more I got to know him, the more I realised that he’s the One for me!’ says bride Shreya Khanna. Check out her wedding photos captured beautifully by HitchedandClicked.

Bride and Groom

Shreya Khanna and Somil Modi

How they met

Their fathers were best off friends and always hoped that the two would get married. The more Shreya interacted with Somil, the more she knew that they were meant to be together forever!

Wedding Venue

Fairmont Jaipur

Bridal Outfits


We wish the couple a very happy married life! Stay tuned for more real wedding stories and pics on our blog! Also send in your pre/post/wedding pics for publication to us at!

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