Do you feel that you are on your way to becoming the queen of bridezillas and that you are beyond help of any kind? Remembering that you can always help yourself in any situation no matter how desperate it seems, is the first step towards self-healing. Let’s look at 3 points which can help prevent you from becoming a bridezilla at all:
Sticking to a Budget– Irrespective of whether your family is funding the wedding or you and your partner have decided to take care of all the expenses yourselves, a budget is a very important aspect of wedding planning. And let’s be honest- talking about what kind of budget to have with your partner or family members may not always be a very comfortable conversation. If you truly want to have a straight-from-a-bridal-magazine kind of wedding, then make points about which all aspects you want to copy from your favourite magazines. Bridezillas have an annoying trait- they start off with a fixed wedding budget and mid-way through the wedding planning, have tendencies to inflate the budget again to make room for something more expensive. Making a promise to yourself to stick to the initial budget itself will eliminate the chances of bridezilla temper tantrums, as the wedding date draws near.
Trendy May not Mean Perfect- The wedding industry is a billion dollar one and Indian couples these days are on a quest to host a wedding that will be remembered by everybody. Having said that, it’s again no secret that trends keep changing every season and in some aspects, every month as well. Staying on top of every wedding trend so that you can surprise your guests and earn huge compliments once the ceremony is over can be seriously exhausting. Not to mention, very expensive too. Bridezillas usually convince themselves that a trendy wedding is always the perfect wedding. But truth be told, it is not so. Having a bigger, better and a larger than life wedding does not mean that it is the perfect wedding irrespective of how much you paid for your designer wedding saree. Even a DIY wedding can be the perfect wedding if it has all the right elements in it. So, do not fall into the trap of changing your mind every time a new wedding trend does the rounds.
Do not Compare– Most Indians may not admit to it but we do get secret satisfaction from just knowing that we have pulled off something bigger and better when compared to somebody else we are acquainted with. This satisfaction only grows when people around us talk about it and point out little details they have remembered from other people’s weddings. You may have heard a conversation go like this- ‘There were only 200 guests at XYZ’s wedding last week, but I can count more than 500 guests here today. What a grand reception you are giving your daughter, she is very lucky.’ This explains the often unseen yet ever present and unhealthy spirit of competition between families, communities and even brides. Bridezillas want their weddings to be the talk of the town and everything has to be bigger and the latest but a sensible bride will only focus on her special day without trying to outdo other weddings just to get noticed.
More tips on how to avoid becoming a bridezilla coming your way next week.