Nonstop entertainment was the theme at Gunjan and Gurjot’s Sikh wedding celebration. The events started with a glamorous Mehendi ceremony followed by the Cocktail/Roka/Engagement ceremony. Countless dress changes show us the beautiful bride’s exquisite taste. It was truly a memorable experience for all those who attended the events, we are sure. So without further delay, check out these pics and get inspired! Special thanks to sister of the bride, model Simar Walia for sharing these gorgeous photos with WOL.
Bride and Groom
Gunjan and Gurjot
Nandi Greens, New Delhi
Gunjan’s outfit Aza
Groom’s outfit Shantanu and Nikhil
Cocktail/Ring Ceremony
Venue: ITC Maurya
Dresses: Bani Batra
Wedding Venue
Bride’s outfit-Sabyasachi
Makeup and Hair- Misha Vij
All Images Portfolio Studio