Let’s take a look at 4 more reasons when reconsidering a marriage proposal is the right call to make:
If him being a nice guy makes it harder to say no: Finding a nice guy is tough but what do you do if your nice boyfriend proposes but you just can’t see yourself staying married to him? That’s when your honesty matters the most. You don’t have to be rude or make him upset, but you could say that you would like some time to reconsider the proposal, because you haven’t given much thought about marriage at all. It may be surprising, but a lot of women admit that they find walking away from a relationship or saying no to marriage difficult because the partner is actually a nice guy. Keep in mind that dating and marriage are two different subjects and a good boyfriend need not necessarily be the right lifelong partner for you.
If you just want children and not the whole package: Motherhood is without doubt a huge step for any woman and in India particularly, the concept of couples choosing not to have children at all is still quite new. Extended family members also have the habit of gently reminding single women that their ‘internal clock is ticking’ or that ‘Prince Charming won’t wait forever’ and so on. Not surprisingly, many women prefer to have the ‘married’ tag in order to avoid intrusive questions and other nasty assumptions that society tends to make. If you love children and are eager to become a mother, why not think seriously about adoption? Whatever be your choice, never use marriage as a desperate means to become a mother because it’s only likely to lead to more unhappiness.
If you love the single life: Whatever society may say, if you enjoy being single then there’s all that really matters! Just take a look around you and you’ll find that 8 times out of 10, it’s the singletons who actually manage to pack more fun, excitement, adventure and learning in their lives. Everybody has their private book of that they secretly hold on to and if you feel that you still have miles to go, then maybe marriage can wait. Don’t be apologetic about loving your freedom, independence and all the other perks that come with being single.
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