Submit a Real Honeymoon

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For Brides and Grooms: If you think you have a honeymoon that will inspire our readers, you can submit it to us for publication. Send 10 – 15 low res photos that you think best represent the highlights of your honeymoon getaway to [email protected]. (Alternatively, you can send us the links, if any, to your online photo galleries). The photos ideally should be 700 pixels wide and any height. Please make sure to include photos of the decor and details that made your honeymoon-getaway  unique. You may also answer the following questions:
1. When and where did you go? For how long ….
2. How did you decide upon the honeymoon destination(s)?
3. The best part about the honeymoon was…
4. If I knew then what I know now, I’d change…
5. How much planning did you do in advance?
We will contact you within five working days if we decide to go ahead with the real honeymoon. Simply contact us at [email protected].
Inspire other couples-to-be with your honeymoon photographs. ‘Bloggable’ weddings are a craze today and you can help fellow brides and grooms get inspiration and ideas for planning their perfect honeymoon getaway. You have, no doubt,  spent months on planning these details; now let the world view the hard work you have put in!

Want to see an example of real honeymoon on weddingsonline?

Honeymoon in Phillippines


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