Congratulations! If you are reading this, we assume you have a sparkling new engagement ring on your finger and that you are all excited at the prospect of spending the rest of your life with that special someone. Getting married is huge and it is probably the biggest thing you will ever do (so far) in your life. So what should your wedding day really be about? Is it just about the gorgeous dress, the piles of expensive food, or the stunning jewellery you have adorned yourself with?
We at weddingsOnline know that your wedding day is much more than that. What really matters on the day is the look on your parents’ faces, the sentimental vows that make everyone cry, and, last but not the least-the look on your fiancé’s face as you approach him at the altar. It is about that moment when the priest asks you to exchange garland/rings- the moment when your love is transformed into something real. It is all about how you will take care of each other through the thick and thin of life, in front of all those near and dear ones- that something will change in you. It is that moment of realization when you see your beloved parents and siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends-all the people who truly love you- in the same room- witnessing and celebrating the big commitment you are about to make.
image: RaviChatkara
Unfortunately today weddings have become too commercial- it is as if the industry is just trying to sell sell and sell some more. But to us at weddingsOnline, it is about the bride’s mother wiping her tears away to participate in the rituals, her father hiding the pain in his heart-knowing well that his darling daughter would not be sleeping under his roof that night, her brother saddened by the fact that his best friend would be miles away –and that he can longer call or talk to her or pull her leg when he wants to.
As wonderful as Weddings can be, planning one is an enormous task and there are bound to be times when you will feel overwhelmed and even question your sanity. In Indian weddings especially-it is all about the grandness and pomposity of things that take precedence in the planning. Then there are the cultural pressures and endless- countless expectations.
And then there are your own expectations as well. Years of attending weddings often gives you some ideas as to what you want on your own Big Day- a gorgeous silk lehenga, laser cut invitation cards, piles of expensive food items which guests love and of course a stunning venue that adds to the ‘memorability’ factor of the wedding.
image: Ninad photography
Then there are your parents’ expectations- all they want is to see you happy and are willing to shell out all the money needed for it. And we mustn’t forget the expectations of everyone else in the family: “Oooh what are you going to wear-have you thought about designer lehenga”? “Where are you shopping for the shagun? You simply must do it at so and so place..”
The thing is: everyone loves weddings…and they want to attend one and also be a part of the planning.
So how do you plan the perfect wedding while keeping your sanity and soul intact? This is where we come into the picture. weddingsOnline India helps you figure out what you really want- keep things simple and stylish yet ensure that the day is one big fun party to start your ‘happily ever after’ with.
We understand that the real point of your wedding day is to help you get married with grace. So go on-browsefor ideas, inspiration and wedding professionals– all the big names in the industry-to help you get to the other side: happy and sane!
Featured image–Filmwala